I was bored.
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I was bored.
No pictures today....but they'll come later. Right now I'm really busy and freaktired. (I like making up words that fit what I feel.)
...but Beula is nice.
I updated
I also took a crappy picture of the start of my sockpal sock. I like the blocks of primary colors at the heel. I hope my sockpal does too. :)
And some pictures out the window, which are of course also crappy.
Once we got there, there was this to look at in the backyard.
The river was, as always, nice to look at. (It's not this high in summer, obviously.)
Note that I have kindly chosen the picture which does not show all the silt and branches, etc, left by the river. Maybe this does it a bit more justice. I didn't take a picture of all the stuff on the bank, though. I forgot. Sorry.
And, call me weird, I love the colors of this tree fungus.